ideas for everyone
final major project -
It is fascinating to have a closer look on how human beings have evolved and how much process we have made so far. It is in our nature to put things into systems and to constantly strive for improvement. We wouldn‘t be half the way if there hadn‘t been so many great minds putting all their effort in their inventions and ideas. However that left me wondering if the progress can be reduced to the doings of a few people. I quickly realized that there are plenty of examples of accidental inventions and reinventions. It showed me that everyone can make a difference, knowingly or not. In my opinion that is the beauty of an idea. It can be simple and inconspicious first, but becomes huge later on - take the genesis of internet for instance. Each invention is unique, not only in their idea but also how they appeared, suddenly and unplanned or well prepared.
The music in the background is partly created by me while I was playing around with screws and nuts. Besides I used music from Wintergatan, who invented an increadible instrument (check out his marble machine!).
I looked into different inventions and compared their genesis. Especially the way lightbulbs made their way in our everyday life proved to be a very tedious procedure. For the imagery I chose to work with pinhole cameras, alternative filmmaking and stencil printing for which I produced wooden light bulbs. Besides, I decided to stress the enduring and complex nature of inventing by including ants. The overall outcome of my final major project is as vivid and precious as our mind can be.
animation research -
degree show
poster design -
campaign for Arjowiggins -
piggy bank
Mind your money -
Der böse Araber
pixie book -
media messing around
book -
commision work -
guidance system -
annnoying television
web graphic -
illustrations and riddles
for a magazine -
logo design